Congressional Advocate on Native American Policy – A Two-Year+ Professional Fellowship with FCNL

The Friends Committee on National Legislation is hiring for a two-year professional fellowship –lobbying on Native American policy in DC. FCNL is a Quaker group (but you don’t have to be Quaker). FCNL has been lobbying as allies on Indian issues for decades. Their staff are masters at public-interest lobbying. They’re looking for someone with tribal connections and experience and some professional work experience. This isn’t an internship — this person will be running the Native American policy program. FCNL is accepting applications until June 1, and the person would start the job in October. All the information is here:

As you think about where to send this announcement, here’s a summary of what we’re looking for:
• A college graduate with an undergraduate degree and some post-college work experience
• Closely connected to his or her tribal community and able to bring that experience and perspective to policy work in Washington
• Passionate about policy issues that affect Native Americans
• Interested in learning about and working with Congress’s role in either causing or helping to mend broken policies
• A good writer and analytical thinker
• Able to manage his or her own time, to plan out a program and carry it out
What will the new congressional advocate get from this experience?
• A large package of well-honed skills in policy analysis, presentation of self, strategic thinking, and gently persuasive conversations
• Training in lobbying, public speaking, legislative research
• Direct connections with congressional and administrative offices that have an impact on Indian policies and communities
• The opportunity to work with a great team of public interest lobbyists, right across the street from the Senate office buildings.
• Professional salary and benefits
More details are here:


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