
PLSI Class of 1977

Top Row (standing): Jerry Muskrat, Kirk Garcia (TA), Robert Kittecon, Donald Bruce, Dennis Chappabitty, Raymond Rogers, Jerry Cordova, Theresa Gomez, Mark Pruner, David Vann, Prof. Robert Schwartz, Ray Hatton, Prof. Ted Occhialino, James Ahtone, Jim James, Lloyd Pinkham, Maria Tenorio, Frank Petersen, Prof. Fred Ragsdale, Beth McCallister, Phil Lujan (S)

Second Row (kneeling): Robert Holden, Robert Fast Horse, Gordon Webb, Ed Welsh, Brenda Sanders, Ben Burshia

Bottom Row (sitting): Gladys Bruce, Barbara Rath, Bernice Muskrat, Prof. Robert Laurence, Brenda Peterson, Donald Kittson, Thomasine Cordova, Eldon McCabe, John Petoskey (TA), Rosalie Jaramillo, Bernice Delorme, Patricia Hoffman


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